Escrow Container Management

In order to use a user’s assets for your application, you must first require the user to transfer their ownership temporarily to Upland. Upland, in turn, locks these assets in a vault-like account. In Upland terminology, this vault-like account, controlled by Upland, is called an escrow account.

The developer is responsible for specifying necessary assets the users have to transfer to the escrow account to use your application (for example, a drag car-racing application will need a user to place at least one block explore and one car in the escrow to participate).

Within the escrow account, each application is assigned an escrow container, which contains transferred assets necessary to use the application.

At junctions determined by your application logic, your application can request a resolution of its escrow container (for example, at the end of a drag car-racing application, the loser loses his block explore to the winner).

You can also query the content of your application’s escrow container, request to extend its validity, etc.

The available assets the developers can use so far are:

  1. Block Explorers

  2. Structured Ornaments

  3. Spirit Legits

  4. Upx

  5. 3D Assets

Branded assets such as FIFA, Stock Car, and others need permission to be used.

Escrow Containers Transactions Status

Expired - Transactions not accepted/rejected in time;

Rejected - Transaction which players rejected;

User_signature_requested - When the app sends the request to players';

Changing_ownership - When the transaction is being registered in the blockchain (It can take up to three minutes); - Player to Escrow or Escrow to player

In_escrow - Assets inside the container ready for resolution;

Refunded - Transactions in which assets were given back to players;

Removed - Transactions that were deleted from the container before players' acceptance or rejection;

API Definition

These endpoints require Basic Authentication. Click here to read more about how to generate valid credentials.

To use the resolve endpoint, all assets inside the container must have the status "in_scrow".

You must provide a Code to your users generated across the endpoint /auth/opt/init. Then, when Upland User grants access to the developer App, a webhook will be sent with a valid access token. Click here to check the authentication session.

Last updated